
This package helps creating a multilingual website based on wikidot categories, i.e. each language is a category, includes and _templates.

The main principle is that all language pages share the same pagename, i.e. fr:pagename, en:pagename, es:page-name, etc. to help switching from a language version to another. "xy" is the generic term for any language iso code.

The attached files come from the backup facility with category separator":" replaced by "_" and ":_" by a double underscore "__". They also contain comments for implementation.











The whole stuff, just in case it was possible to upload all at once…

Real life example

How to use

  • Install the package page to your site.
  • Each language category has its own left sidebar nav:side-xy with a language dependant sitemap, a language dependant tagcloud and a newpage button to create a page in the current language, with parent equal to the language start page.
  • Each language category has its own xy:_template and a newpage button to create a page in the current language, with parent equal to the current page. However, it is not ensured that an English page and a French page would share the same parent in the different language versions.
  • Each language category has its own tagcloud and its own landing page xy:page-tags while the default system:page-tags has been adapted to the same layout.
  • To add a new xy language, there is some housekeeping to do:
    • Add a new xy:start page
    • Edit include:language-flags and add a new language flag and why not a flag not hosted on the handbook…
    • Clone the nav:side-en to the new nav:side-xy and change all en occurences to xy
    • Clone the en:page-tags to the new xy:page-tags and change all en occurences to xy
  • The search:site page has been modified to use Google Custom Element.
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